For Lucy's in-home newborn session, there were many assistants on hand! Lucy was surrounded by her 3 very helpful older siblings. She was of course a perfect sleeper for us, only walking up a few times to take a peek and eat. Please enjoy a few photos from the sweet baby girl's session.
cape cod children's photographer
Paige + Maeve (and Molly too!)
These sweet girls were not having the sleepy, in-home newborn session we had planned for them! When you have eyes as beautiful as these staring back at you through the lens, it's hard to be upset that what you envisioned, is not falling into place. Big sister Molly was a wonderful assistant and even joined in on a few portraits with her new sisters. Please enjoy this sampling from Paige + Maeve's session.
Baby Scarlett + Family
Little Miss Scarlett was definitely the perfect gift for this family! The only girl surrounded by her FIVE loving brothers! To say that Mom was excited to finally get her daughter would be an understatement. In her short time in this world so far, Scarlett has been spoiled with everything girly.
Please enjoy these portraits from Scarlett's session!
Baby Jack
This sweet little guy wanted nothing to do with a sleepy session when I arrived. After a feeding (and some welcomed snuggling), Jack was snoozing away while Mom and I ooohed over his precious face! He was such a trooper though all of our costume, hat, prop and location changes.
I hope you enjoy Baby Jack's newborn session!
Winter Portraits - Part 2
Immediately after the holidays can be a great time to get family together for a portrait session. Especially when some of your family lives hundreds or thousands of miles away!
Enjoy these post-holiday portraits with extended family!
Winter Portraits - Part 1
I have been very thankful for fairly mid winter weather which has allowed for some great outdoor portrait sessions from holiday cards to extended family gatherings.
Now that the snow is melting as we seem to be getting a glimpse of spring temps, I hope to be back behind the lens again!
Part 1 features a little pre-holiday family love.
Fall Family Portraits at The Farm
Each fall I am allowed access to a private farm on the South Shore for family portraits. This year I was joined by two wonderful families on the farm. Please enjoy the first installment from the Fall 2016 portrait sessions.
A Family Portrait Session with Lija
To celebrate Lija's first birthday, Mom and Dad decided to have a family portrait session at one of my favorite locations on the South Shore. They arrived with supplies such as bubbles and a custom bench made by Dad, both of which made Lija very happy. I can't get over her sweet smile and adorable curiosity. Congrats to this loving family on making it through the first year!
Molly Kate: The 1st Birthday
Congrats to Mama & Daddy! They survived the 1st year with Molly Kate! Although she has decided she no longer likes my camera, we were able to snag a few keepers on a warm Saturday morning at home. Mama slipped into her wedding shoes while MK wore pearls and pink, frilly bloomers. Keeping in theme with her birthday party, we also incorporated balloons for the hot air balloon look.
A Family Portrait Session with Kendall & Avery
Kendall & Avery's parents had a great idea: portraits at the beach. Not just any beach, a spectacular beach on Cape Cod where they vacation each summer. These portraits not only mark fun ages for their girls, but also memories from a favorite getaway.
A Family Portrait Session with Zooey & Maisy
I absolutely adore this family! Super sweet and adorable kids, very cool parents. We had a great time in the park talking about typical kid stuff like....boogers. Enjoy this sampling from our portrait session in an unexpected location.
A Family Portrait Session with Molly Kate
Molly Kate and her parents joined me at a local park for an afternoon portrait session. I absolutely love how well her funny little personality came through in these portraits.
Fall Family Portraits Part 3
I love working with the families in this neighborhood! I'm already looking forward to next year!
The last set of images from this fall's private mini sessions on the cranberry bog:

Fall Family Portraits Part 2
This post features a portion of the mini sessions I offered to a local neighborhood. These families live in a new development that was built around cranberry bogs. This year I chose to explore the many options around those bogs to create a beautiful fall backdrop.

Fall Family Portraits Part 1
I had the pleasure of working with so many awesome families this fall. From mini sessions on a cranberry bog to portrait sessions at a private farm (complete with goats!!) I was able to capture some adorable kids and the parents who love them.
Below is part one of three separate blog posts highlighting all of the 2015 fall family portraits.